Burnley Golf Club
For Men and Women
Mixed Competition
Currently Playing at Ivanhoe Golf Course
Burnley Golf Cub – By Laws
Annual membership subscription fees must be paid by June 30 each year. A Member that has not paid by this date is deemed to be a non-financial member and is therefore ineligible enter any club competition.
A Member has 90 days after Annual membership subscription fees are due to pay the full annual fee. After this period the member will be removed from Golflink as a current financial member and will be treated as lapsed for the purposes of re-joining meaning that the joining fee in addition to the prorate membership fee for the current financial year is to be paid in order to be re-instated as a current financial member of the club.
Club Championship eligibility – A member must have competed in a minimum of 4 individual Burnley Golf Club competition rounds at Burnley Golf Course in the 6 months prior to club champs, to be eligible (this does not include any of the 3 preliminary rounds to obtain a handicap)
Monthly Medal – A member must have competed in a minimum of 4 individual Burnley Golf Club competition rounds at Burnley Golf Course in the 6 months prior to a Monthly Medal round to be eligible to be declared Monthly Medal winner (this does not include any of the 3 preliminary rounds to obtain a handicap)
Member shall be disqualified if they have failed to pay the full Competition fee prior to commencing their round. For events that run over multiple weeks (club champs, winter cup etc.) full competition fee to be paid prior to commencement of round one.
Club championships / Major events - Member shall be disqualified if they have failed to tee off in their allotted time slot. Once the draw has been posted no changes to allocated tee time permitted unless written approval is granted by the committee.
Daily Competition - Member shall be disqualified if they have failed to tee off in their allotted time slot. Cut off time to contact pro-shop to request a change is 15 minutes prior to the first group teeing off
Non-members with a golf link card can play in the weekly competition up to 3 times in one financial year, after which they would need to join the club to play in any further competition events. Noting that non-members are ineligible to be awarded Monthly Medals, Club Champs and MatchPlay.