Burnley Golf Club
For Men and Women
Mixed Competition
Currently Playing at Ivanhoe Golf Course
Local Rules
Local Rules in addition to those marked on the back of the scorecard
All newly laid turf is to be treated as GUR (whether marked or not), if a ball lands on or a players stance is impeded by the new turf, the player MUST take relief under Rule 16-1.
4th/13th HOLE
During play of this hole only, if a ball lands on the path or the garden bed behind the green, the player may drop their ball without penalty in the nearest drop zone. This area is defined by a blue painted pole at either end of the garden bed.
Coring/Scarifying Mounds
Coring/scarifying mounds left around the course to be treated as GUR, if a ball lands in or a player’s stance is impeded by the mounds, players may take relief under Rule 16-1
Stones in Bunkers are moveable obstructions; a player may obtain relief without penalty. (rule 15-2)
Out of Bounds
OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 18-2)
a) Those areas beyond the boundary fences of the course.
b) Those areas designated as the Carpark, Licensed Area, Clubhouse or Maintenance Shed.
The artificially turfed area and beyond (Licensed area), is OUT OF BOUNDS. If a ball lands on any part of this artificial turf or the concrete path outside the pro-shop or paths outside the maintenance shed the ball is deemed to be outside of the course and MUST be replayed from where the player played their previous shot. This also incurs a 1 shot penalty.
All watering equipment, including hoses, taps, tap boxes and sprinkler heads are immovable obstructions and relief from interference by them may be obtained under Rule 16-1. In addition, if a ball lies off the putting green but not in a hazard and such an obstruction on or within two club-lengths of the putting green and within two club-lengths of the ball intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may take relief as follows:
The ball shall be lifted and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay which a) is not nearer the hole, b) avoids such intervention, and c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green. The ball may be cleaned when so lifted.
Relief may be taken (Rule 16-1) for a ball in a wheel mark caused by earth moving equipment or heavy machinery (incl. course equipment). A ball coming to rest in a wheel mark, aeration or scarifying mark through the green may be lifted and dropped at the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole.
It is permissible to use a distance measuring-GPS App or equivalent feature on a "Smart Phone" or Multi-Function Device provided no other App or feature is used in contravention of the specimen local rule-condition. Specimen Local Rule 9 of Appendix 1, Part B, of the Rules of Golf and the R & A Rules LTD Distance Measuring Device Flowchart applies.
Distance markers on the fairway are measured to the centre of the green, and are immovable obstructions.
All roads and paths to which any foreign material, e.g. gravel or bitumen has been applied are immovable obstructions. Rule 16-1
Staked/protected trees & staked/protected shrubs are immovable obstructions. The immovable obstruction includes the shrub/tree, AND the stakes, AND any artificial protective guard. If the immovable obstruction interferes with the player’s stance or the area of their intended swing, the ball MAY be lifted, without penalty, and dropped in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rule 16-1 (Immovable Obstruction).
NEW LOCAL RULES ADDED (due to current course conditions)
CORE HOLES: On the putting green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole that avoids the aeration hole.
PLUGGED BALL: Anywhere on the course, (except in a hazard) the ball may be lifted, cleaned and placed within one card length no nearer the hole without penalty. Before lifting the ball, the player (must first check with their marker) must mark its position. Having been lifted it must then be placed back within one card length of where it originally lay (no nearer the hole). Once done so the ball is in play and cannot be lifted again.
A player’s score in stroke play will be capped to a maximum of 10 strokes for each hole
A player who does not complete a hole (informally “picking up”) will not be disqualified from the competition and will receive the maximum score of 10 strokes for that hole.
When a player’s ball cannot be found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds, the player may proceed as follows rather than proceeding under stroke and distance.
For two penalty strokes, the player may take relief by dropping the original ball or a substituted ball in this relief area (see Rule 14.3):
Two Estimated Reference Points:
a. Ball Reference Point: The point where the original ball:
· Is estimated to have come to rest on the course, or
· Last crossed the edge of the course boundary to go out of bounds.
b. Fairway Reference Point: The point of fairway of the hole being played that is nearest to the ball reference point, but is not nearer the hole than the ball reference point. For purposes of this Local Rule, “fairway” means any area of grass in the
general area that is cut to fairway height or less.
Size of Relief Area Based on Reference Points: Anywhere between:
• A line from the hole through the ball reference point (or within two club-lengths to the outside of that line), and
• A line from the hole through the fairway reference point (or within two club-lengths to the outside of that line).
But with these limits: Limits on Location of Relief Area:
· Must be in the general area, and
· Must not be nearer the hole than the ball reference point.
But, the player may not use this option when:
· The ball is known or virtually certain to have come to rest in a penalty area, or
. The player has played another ball provisionally under penalty of stroke and distance (see Rule 18.3)