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Visitor information


Visitors are welcome to attend Burnley Club events on Saturdays and Thursdays.  We have reserved tee times on Saturday mornings at 7:30am and Thursday mornings at 9.00am. Please note that we do have limited positions and members have precedence in allocated tee off times. Bookings are required with the Pro Shop at least 2 days prior to the competition. 


Please note that visitors are not eligible to Win the Monthly Medal or Club Championship events however may be eligible to win the daily competition. 


Guests of members are limited to play in 3 club competitions per year.


Visitors with Golflink handicaps

By paying green fees through the Pro Shop and the $5 competition fee on Saturdays and Thursdays, you will be eligible to play and compete in the days competition as well as to be eligible for the NTP and Longest Drive competitions. 


Visitors are required to provide a Golflink number for handicap verification.  The results will be entered into Golflink by the Club. 


Visitors without Golflink handicaps

Visitors who do not have a Golflink number and registered handicap are welcome to play in club competitions and compete for nearest the pins and longest drives, although will be ineligible to win the place prizes. Green fees and the $5 competition fee apply.  


Building Handicaps

For those who want to build their initial handicap, Burnley Golf Club can help. Please note that we provide this a service for members only and players are required to pay membership fees before the building process starts. 


Junior Competition

At this time Burnley Golf Club does not offer a Junior competition.


Golf Lessons

Please contact the Burnley Golf Pro Shop on 9205 5048 to book in a time with one of the teaching Professionals.

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