Burnley Golf Club
For Men and Women
Mixed Competition
Currently Playing at Ivanhoe Golf Course
Save Burnley Golf Course
There is a current risk at the Burnley Golf Course caused by the number of balls being hit over the fences on to adjoining roadways
To date the council have made some changes to shorten 3 holes in an attempt to direct play away from the boundary fences. whilst this has had a marked reduction in the number of balls being found outside the course at has not fully alleviated the problem and some risk still remains.
On Tuesday 4th February 2020, Yarra Leisure staff presented a discussion paper to council to commence a consultation process to develop a proposal to address this risk for council consideration. This submission included two options which were developed by Yarra Leisure staff without input from either of the Golf Clubs that proudly call Burnley Golf Course home. The two options are erection of high perimeter fencing (which we fully support) or the reduction of the course size to nine par 3 holes and construction of a Mini Golf Facility. It is this second option that we strongly disagree with as the reduction to the size of the course would compromise the facility as a viable course for competition golf or social golf for any golfer.
At the council meeting Burnley Golf Club presented and alternate option to redesign the course to direct play away from boundary fences and still maintain the course as a combination par 4 and par3 course and keep the course as a challenging competition course.
In addition to both clubs presenting at the council meetings, it was fantastic to see members of the community also passionately support retaining Burnley Golf Course as a "proper" golf course. Some of those who presented stated they are not golfers and have never played golf, but still support keeping Burnley Golf Course as a competition standard course and wonderful asset to the community.
The councillors voted in favour of the Council staff commencing a consultation process to seek input from the community Starting in February for a period of at least 4 weeks and then develop fully costed recommendations for consideration at a later council meeting.
We are very pleased to be able to report that the council acknowledged Burnley Golf Club and Burnley Women's Golf Club as key stakeholders in this process and our clubs will be have opportunity to work with council staff throughout the consultation process.
A recording of the Council meeting can be found at the Council website and the item regarding Burnley Golf Club starts at 1:40 minutes into the recording.
We will be keeping members of our club and the broader community abreast of updates throughout the consultation process through our members news letter, this website and our Facebook page.
Thank you everyone for your fantastic support of our cause to "Save Burnley Golf Course".
Standby for the next installment.....